Mushrot species

shadow people

shadow people consist of the negative, rude, toxic, aggressive people who are then turned into shadow people so you know who to avoid. some people are just born shadow people, but it’s very rare. Mushrians are always able to tell which ones were born that way and which ones are like that bc they suck- they just kinda know. sometimes the ones who are born that way will also have glowing eyes or something- the ones who are turned that way because they’re terrible are just shadows.

light people

light people are basically the opposite of shadow people- they’re very kind and trustworthy people naturally.


globs are inky black figures often with some noticeable feature like visible eyes or teeth. they aren’t blurry like shadow people. like humans, they can have all different kinds of personalities- there’s not really any distinctly common traits between them.


the personification of biblically accurate angels. they’re naturally very peaceful beings and they don’t need to eat food or sleep.


imps are naturally childish and they commonly deal with age regression or peter pan syndrome or both. they won’t be childish in situations where it’d be inappropriate or rude, but their inner child is very active. their horns and tail is normally white, but it can also be black or red or even match their skin tone. their horns aren’t typically very large but they appear in multiple kinds of shapes.


all different kinds of clowns are present in Mushrot. the face markings and hair color vary from clown to clown, and it doesn’t wash off- it’s actually a natural part of them! they’re pretty naturally hyper and bubbly but they can get drowsy just like any other living creature. it’s common for the clowns to have ADHD, but it’s not necessarily always the case. you can be a Mushrian clown without ADHD and you can have ADHD in Mushrot without being a clown.

TV heads

TV heads are naturally pretty chill and can have very spunky attitudes. the screens are solid but sometimes they can change into a strange material you can put food and stuff into while they eat. some of them have just static screens, some of them display actual images, and some have pixelated faces. when they’re asleep or dead, their screens will turn off. some of them will bleed if their screens are broken (the blood can be static, normal blood, black ooze, etc.) but it’s not easy to break them since they’re not normal glass and have the ability to become non-solid textures while eating.


the humanoids look like humans but with strange physical abnormalities- more than four limbs, more than two or less than two eyes, etc. they’re naturally somewhat hyper and unpredictable and weird, but not in a bad way.

sad clowns

sad clowns tend to be down, but they can still enjoy life, regardless of their gloomy exterior. it’s common for them to have depression, but like clowns and ADHD, it’s not always the case. sometimes they can have a colorful pallet, sometimes they’re black and white.

humanoid animals

some anthropomorphic animals exist- they can be mammals, birds, insects, fish, etc. and, like humans, they can have all different kinds of personalities- there’s not really any distinctly common traits between them.

object heads

the kinds of objects for their heads can be anything- a mug, a telephone, a food item, a camera, etc. and they’re typically very chill people.


not all of the zombies are green or rotting, but they’re all technically undead despite being sentient. they can still process things and make decisions and have personalities. they’re not brainless shells like most zombies we watch movies about. it’s common for zombies to have POTS, but like clowns with ADHD, it’s not always the case.


glitches can present as old video game character styles, they’re typically pixelated or blurry, and their voices sound like they’re coming from an old TV or an old video game console.


some robots have built in wigs, some don’t. some have antennas, some don’t. some wear clothes, some don’t. they have personalities and intelligence and they’re aware that they’re robots but they’re fully content with that. it’s not like a M3GAN situation where they want more and end up being evil- Mushrian robots are typically very polite and helpful. some of them also have silicone skin and some don’t- similarly, some of them have said skin only on one or two parts of their bodies while some have it all over. some of them are anatomically correct and some aren’t.


mimes are either completely black and white or black and white but with red lips and sometimes a few red details in their clothing, like red suspenders. overall, their pallet is black and white. they’re pretty much always either mute or nonverbal to some degree. some of them communicate with sign language, some with charades, and some switch between the two. they’re typically pretty shy.


elves tend to look humanoid aside from their large pointed ears. they can be different lengths and shapes, but they’re still pointed at the end. like humans, they can have all different kinds of personalities- there’s not really any distinctly common traits between them.